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Youth Olympic Games

Buenos Aires 2018

Regatas Lake


Youth Olympic Games  - Buenos Aires 2018.

Regatas Lake - Surface water quality, Palermo park.



The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) was selected as the venue for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. During this event, world-class athletes competed in all sports disciplines.


Those of greater participation and attractiveness are disputed in open air areas, where the athletes maintain direct contact with the environment and its natural elements, among the most popular, the marathon, triathlon, pentathlon, canoeing and cycling stand out.


The Regatas Lake in the Palermo park, was selected by the International Olympic Committee to develop sports competitions in the Triathlon discipline.

Environmental Problems

This lake had high levels in bacteriological, physical and chemical parameters due to external contributions, that prevented the realization of this type of events, without a previous adaptation work  and/or environmental remediation in coexistence with the animal and plant species present in the body of water.


By applying Biodeclean 5000 by spray and injection methods, the body of water was adapted to optimal levels well below the maximum limits accepted for human contact. In addition to contributing to the clarification of dissolved solids, algae control and improvement of parameters by environmentally friendly biological restoration processes.

Initial Status
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